Friday, August 19, 2011

"still ending, and beginning still"

My heart sets the meter of my poetry.


I know that this isn't hip to say, but I prefer poems that rhyme.

Because I just admitted this, somewhere a coffee shop is now aflame.  Kerouac and Bukowski fans are gripping paperback editions of non-metered drug-addled and sex-fueled writings, cursing my name, and seething words of harm my way.  I am sure that hipsters and (f)artists will burn me in effigy down in the Roosevelt District.

Sorry Charlie B., poems about masturbating with a woman in the shower are my cup of heroine.

Okay, I kinda like that too (the poetry, not the heroine).  Non-measured poetry is mostly what I write these days.  I don't have the time like I had in high school to sit and work my words to fit a pentameter.

I just love classical poetry.  I love the work it takes to fill your heart into a structure.  To not only create, but to organize your emotions.  There is a romance to the matter.  Because of, but not limited to, the fact that most of these poems relate to raw emotion and pure love, I am drawn to them like a beat poet to black turtlenecks.  It is the steady cantor of this poetry that reminds me of our own innate rhythm; the rhythm of our hearts (our feelings) (our souls).  These poets have put to words what I can only feel, but cannot express.


In times of unchecked feelings and restless desires, I turn to a favorite of mine, William Cowper.  You might not know his name, but I bet you are familiar with this quote of his, "Variety is the spice of life, That gives it all its flavor".  That line aside, his love poetry digs deep into my emotions.  You can feel his being on the page.  I picture him by candlelight weary and swollen eyed writing to the damsel that moves him beyond measure (pardon my pun).


We change as individuals.  This is a good thing.  If it wasn't for personal growth and change, we'd still be etching stick horses into cave walls.  It is important to always grow, to stretch your mind and abilities toward new directions.  Always be looking for yourself, and you will find yourself in everything that you do.  It is okay to let change happen within you.  It is what you should do when you respect yourself.

One thing in this world that always beats the same drum line.  One thing that is unwavering, unflappable, and undeniable.  That one thing is love.  No matter how much you deny it (run from it) (try to change it) it stays true to its structure.  It will always follow the form set by its creator.  Love is the classical poetry of inspiring men dead now for centuries.  Love is the constant, and we are the variables.

Mine is an unchanging love,
Higher than the heights above,
Deeper than the depths beneath,
Free and faithful, strong as death.


It's okay to love.  It's okay to share it.  Please friends, write more about it.

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