Tuesday, March 29, 2011

These Days

I'm charging ahead!  I'm saving, exercising, meditating, and studying!  I love where I'm going on a personal level.  Here's a bit of what's happening these days:

Neville Brothers
Willie Nelson
Mumford & Sons
Iron & Wine
Steve Martin and The Steep Canyon Boys

Trailer Park Boys

Dearly Devoted Dexter
Sex, Sin, and Zen
Awakening The Buddha Within

Learning all about the Sony DV250
Work, work, work
treadmill on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
meditation daily
lots of lists and personal empowerment

Monday, March 28, 2011

Doin' Just Fine (I Guess)

Everybody is worried about how I'm doing these days.  Chelsea, the girl I was (and still am) convinced that I was going to marry, has left me again.  Will I give up?  Maybe I will (eventually).  For now, I hold out that this is just like every other time.  I understand that she gets scared.  I understand that she wants more out of life than I can provide for her now.  The only thing that I can do is march on with my education, safe in the knowledge that I will be able to provide for her some day.

Until then, I'm working on me.  I am charging myself with tasks to improve my life.  First, I have found a sangha in BodhiHeart, where I will be attending on Sunday nights.  I meditate in the morning.  It's tough to get up a little earlier, but I feel great all day long.  I have committed to exercising at least three days a week.  It REALLY energizes me!  Wedsnesday, I'm getting my tires fixed on my bike so I can ride to work.  I am eating less and healthier.  It's really led to fewer stomach pains and other issues.  Also, I make sure my apartment is fully clean before I go to bed.  And finally, saving.  I have commited myself to putting money away.  I have a great new savings plan!  Already, it's building up.

All of these are lessons that I learned from Chelsea.  I was too stubborn to put to practice the things she knew about organizing one's life.  Now that they're being implemented, I realize that I've learned quite a few things about being a grown-up.

I love her, and I always will.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Limited Release

    Alright boys and girls!  It's time for my first entry on my brand new BLOG!

    What better way to kick things off than with a recent trailer that I made for my photography class.  Keep in mind that I am only a second semester film student, and I haven't any field production training yet.  Also, this trailer went along with an entire presentation trying to sell this movie to an investor.  You're the first and probably the only people to see this.